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Benefits of Publishing a Book

There are many excellent reasons to take the time to write and publish a book. Having authored a book gives you instant credibility as an expert and that immediately sets you apart from everyone else in your field. It helps to fill your pipeline with perfect clients and gives you a reason to raise your rates. Publishing a book, and having one in your marketing toolkit is smart because now you also have the perfect giveaway…

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How To Write A Book

People type “how to write a book” into their search engines and hope that a bestseller will come out of their computer. Unfortunately, it does not work that way. Whether you write song lyrics, or comedy, poetry or are looking for insights and information on how to write a book, this little ‘single shot’ from Jerry Seinfeld’s Comedians In Cars Getting Coffee will lighten your load — and in under three minutes you will realize that no two…

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Publishing Companies and Your book

We know how difficult it can be deciding between self publishing companies. Self publishing costs can be elusive on most sites to track down and it’s not that anyone is trying to hide anything – it’s just that each book is different. Building a book is about as complex as building a house – first there’s the idea, the dream. Next, the plans – ideas taking rough shape on a page. Finally, you settle on a…

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Elvis Fairytale

We got into the publishing business because we love books, periodicals, journals, old magazines and newspapers and every now and again we come across something special. Today’s special find is called Fairytale. If you have ever delved into the “Elvis is Alive” world, then this book is a MUST READ. This is an extremely rare book that we are letting go from our personal archive library collection. Only 1,000 were ever printed. This huge novel…

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